Friday, February 16, 2007


During a (lubricated) conversation with author friend Alan Campbell recently, I was reminded of a name and a personality which I had not thought of in a long time. One of those people who had a massive influence on me when I was in my late teens and indulging myself at Art College.

In-between pretentious bouts of 'understanding' Nietzcshe, and trying to work out whether I wanted to be a graphic designer, and therefore live a life of gainful employment, or live the glorious romantic life of a 'struggling artist'; a friend of mine pointed me in the direction of a certain Richard Buckminster Fuller, and his seminal work 'OPERATING MANUAL FOR SPACESHIP EARTH'.

Despite the title, this isn't some pulpy 'weird tales' episode written by a struggling sci-fi writer, living under the shadow of the 'bomb'; but an incredible insight into the workings of our planet and more appropriately those who populate it. Written by a true 'Renaissance Man'. Philosopher, architect, engineer and humanitarian.

The geodesic dome is his most visible contribution to the planet (think Eden project) but his overall philosophy has been sadly overlooked. And even today 'OPERATING MANUAL FOR SPACESHIP EARTH' still remains out of print.

However, I have managed to find a transcript of it on the internet

Unfortunately a lot of the great man's work has been hijacked by the new age movement, but this shouldn't detract from his overall message. The historical systems we have created have forced a lot of us to only adhere to one path in life, although we are all capable of much more. But I'll leave it up to him to provide the language to adequately express his ideas.